Inside the truth!

Something important to ponder upon... Sometimes you may have to speak up in a way that hurts or angers someone close to you but is necessary for their benefit  And yes, sometimes it means you may elect not to share a particular truth out of care or respect for another person. The intersection of love and truth is a complex territory. What you need is a personal code of integrity that you can live with and be proud of.

_Chanakya advised: “There are three questions to ask yourself before you ‘speak the truth.’ One: Are you certain it’s true? Two: Is it necessary? And three: Is it kind?” Ideally, your statements will pass all three tests.Sometimes you may find yourself called upon to say something that you know to be true and feel to be necessary, but that doesn’t seem particularly kind. In these situations, you have to examine your own intent (is it coming from a place of love, jealousy, hatred  or care for a greater good?). Then, if you do decide to share the information, do it with care and appropriate timing.

Remember,  truth can be highly personal. you may have a huge insight or possess an important piece of information, but if it is neither kind nor necessary to share, it is probably not a good idea to dump it someone else’s lap.  Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.

-Hinal Modi.



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