Time to Change!

It is often said that; "Change with the Change ... otherwise Change will Change you!" This six letter word teaches you a lot many things in your life. Once you get to Know it,How to deal with it and how to find the Positivity in that particular otherwise change! You can surely lead to a better or even best life, with a great future! "CHANGE is CONSTANT! And it won't be OTHERWISE!!" But in some stage of your life; this change might be a Confusion for many, maybe you won't even like that change or you will found out it to be the most Hellish thing on the planet! To cope-up with that change and try it out to the Best; By changing with that particular change is the best possible way one can do. The one who doesn't change can certainly not lead a happy life. Soon he might be start thinking that 'He himself is the particular reason for that change!' So the one thing to be taken care in this 'CHANGE' process is not stop 'Loving yourself!' You are the only one who can love yourself upto the Brim! And at last, Whatever happens; happens for the best! 'Change' is not invited, it may be Bad at starting but at the end it is the BEST for you. Many of us are afraid of this change and won't deal with it! So it is better to deal with that change, rather than to increase the distance from the solution by running away!

I have been inspired to cope-up with this 'Change'; by changing myself in the best possible way! The one who have inspired me is none other than Mr.Yash Rotliwala!

This is Vaishwi Lakhpati, sharing something about 'CHANGE' with an aim to inspire a lot many like me!



Mind Vs Mindset!

Without Proof!

It's all about you!