
Showing posts from May, 2017


Each 20th person is suffering from depression in India and 40% of the total population of the world is suffering from mental disorders! From Where does this word come? Any idea? Have you ever Thought about it? No? let it be; Depression comes from your thoughts! There's a cycle! Which rides you to the depression in end. Cycle starts from thoughts then it takes turn at belief, action and finally it stops at result! There are two type of thoughts, positive and negative! Most of the people think negative and then they start believing in that negative thought! And finally negativity becomes a belief! And that other people can see by negative thinker's action which would be negative only! And they will get negative result and then they feel depressed! This is the simple chain! So what you have to do is, change your thoughts! That's it! Take things positively, and if you fail, learn from it and do it again! I know I know it's too easy to say but difficult to face! I

One word!

Why do we have to label everything?? Why do we have to label ourselves?? The hot one, the tall one, the studious one, the fat one, the pretty one - saying this feel like we are 1-dimensional characters who are only compressed of that one and only factor. But we are so much more than that. We shouldn't be defined by labels that represents us. Our mind, our thoughts and everything we've experienced make us far more deep than that one word. One word - Rethought That one word which can describe your personality, your attitude, your behavior is something that not everyone deserves! Yes, you can think that you're not a person to fit in one word but it's your way to see at yourself. One word isn't making you one dimensional character; but it's the thing that highlights you the most! Maybe we are deeper than that one word but sometime big things comes in small packages! You made yourself deserving for that one word! Not saying you're wrong but in m

Unknowing Loop!

One day he asked her, “What happened? Why are you so changed? Don't do that! It hurts who loves you!” And she told him, “This is the life; change is the life!” She said that without any hesitation, with no amaze but whom she said, couldn't bear! He tried again and again to turn the changed person into what she really was. But he failed! He continued trying to change her, he started begging! He started thinking over days and nights about her, he started overthinking! He started remembering old good memories, he started crying! He couldn't believe that everything had been changed now, he was hurt by this change! Suddenly one day he realized and started accepting the fact! He continued living the life like there was no one like her in his life! He tries to erase the memories, but he couldn't! He tries to be normal with everyone, but he couldn't! He tries to laugh like before, but he couldn't! And one day his beloved best friend as

Error : Not trying!

Talent, experience, knowledge might not be as much as people who are already so popular in sharing their point of view via blogs, but I still want to share my thoughts and want to give and gain some experience! As this is my first blog, I'm not sure this would make any impact on your​ set of mind or not but sometime it's better to do something rather than think and sit anyways! I was too confused to write something and make a point in this generation, where people are already so “Smart” you know! BUT still I want to try, I want to make my place where people can at least know me by good means! And that's what today's topic is! ERROR, a word which is everywhere and connected with everyone! It's like an expression of giving up nowadays, it's like a step back for something that we wanting to do so hardly! It's not only about a word which shows up on your computer and you fix it! It's about an Error of humans which shows up every now and th